Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Africa and Colonial Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Africa and Colonial - Essay Example Later the British conquered and held for a period, todays Egypt, Nigeria, Uganda, and South Africa to name a few. The French controlled what today is Madagascar, Algeria, and most of West Africa. Belgium controlled the Belgium Congo, which included todays Rwanda. Rwanda is one example of how African colonization is important to understand the study of Africa. Belgium used the Tutsi as servants against the Hutu. The Hutu massacred between half a million to a million Tutsi in 1994 for grudges left over from Belgium rule. Colonization separated, lumped together, and turned African against African. The major colonizers of Africa were France, England, Germany, Belgium, and the Portuguese. The formal colonization of these nations over Africa began at the Berlin Conference 1884-1885 with the debating parties being Germany, England, and France. Although this conference really did not solve anything, the race to colonize Africa begin. With military might, new maps of the interior, the Europeans set up local governments in Africa. For example, the French, Portuguese, Germans, and Belgians set up direct governments. These governments had French, Portuguese, Germans, and Belgians in positions of power in Africa. The English ruled indirectly. They set up local power holders, then made them serve British interests. European powers were able to conquer Africa, because Africa had great travel routes. These routes helped in military and trade ventures for the Africans, but made them weak to the Europeans. Secondly, the thousands of different African tribes made unity impossible. The Europeans used this to their advantage, turning African against African. Especially after the mistreatment, Africans were afraid, but defiant. Their defiance was met by more force. In the end, the Africans submitted to the European colonists. However, their fury never abated. Today in liberated South Africa, white farmers are attacked. Rwanda has been through genocide.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Online Education vs Traditional Education Essay Example for Free

Online Education vs Traditional Education Essay Have you ever enrolled in an online class and a traditional class at the same time? Kaleb has tried both unfortunately one was more successful than the other. Kaleb is taking Anatomy and English, Anatomy is an online class and English is a traditional class. He excels in his English class due the face-to-face interaction and swift feedback from the instructor and his peers. The online class on the other hand was the total opposite; here he is sitting in front of the computer dazed and confused trying to figure what to do next. Kaleb is an auditory and tactile learner so he needs physical contact and interaction. The online class did not provide that physical contact and feedback he needed so he was not very successful in it. Although online and traditional educations are both forms of learning, traditional education is more informative due to the availability, discussion/communication, and structure. Traditional courses have availability to its advantage considering that some students often fail online courses because of lack in availability. In a traditional course you have that face to face interaction and physical contact. Your professors are available on hand for you to ask questions about things you do not understand. Your classmates are physically available for you all to interact with each other questions. Online courses lack the swift feedback you receive in a traditional classroom. When learning something new you need that immediate availability that the traditional classroom provides. Class communication and discussions are very helpful when taking any type of class. Online courses do have discussions, because the communications for online courses are not definite. Online communication is somewhat unreliable; communicating with a peer online will not always receive a response. Traditional class’s communication and discussion are beneficial; if you have information or responses for one of your peers you will immediately receive a response. Unlike online classes, in a traditional course you have class discussion where you are graded to participate. Having discussions during class gives you an opportunity to give your input on the discussion taking place, it also gives you a chance to voice and concerns you have. Also when you have the face to face interaction that I mentioned in the last paragraph you are able to get a response right away without having to wait on an electronic response. Structure in the classroom is very important. In order to have a successful class you have to orchestrate some type of order. Traditional courses have rules that you must follow if you would like to continue the course that you are enrolled in. Traditional courses have rules such as attendance policies and assignment due dates. Unlike online courses, traditional classes have required participation and presentation you have to perform in every course. Whenever you have these rules and requirements you perform better and excel in your class. Last, even though online and traditional educations are both forms of learning traditional education is more beneficial and informative due to availability, discussion/communication, and structure. Online courses may be preferred by some students, but when enrolled in such a course you have to be prepared and able to teach yourself and learn accordingly. Although, Kaleb tried both online and traditional courses, he realized that traditional courses are more informative especially for him considering that he is a hand on learner. Now Kaleb will think twice before he enrolls into another online class.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Revo Of 1905 :: essays research papers

At the turn of the twentieth century, Russia was a curious society, still stratified into nobility and peasantry. The Russian people seemed to be as immovable as the dark ground which they farmed, welded to the ground by centuries of struggle. While the Europeans fought political battles, the Russians wrestled against the cold and starvation. Four decades earlier, Czar Alexander II signed the ``Emancipation Manifesto'' which freed the serfs from ownership by the nobles.1 He had hoped to finally bring Russia out of the dark ages. His bureaucracy continued to elevate the peasants by making all classes of society equal under the law and increasing the availability of education.2 Nevertheless, the Dark People of Russia remained in their darkness, understanding little besides their own existence in the context of their communes. The commune oriented nature of the Russian peasants made Russia a prime target for Marxist revolutionaries. The uniquely backward culture of Russia spawned a singularly Russian form of Marxism, Narodnichestvo. Russian intellectuals of the 19th century felt that the socialist revolution must come from the uprising of the rural peasant masses, rather than through the proletariat of the cities. The peasants were remarkably unreceptive to revolutionary agitators. They were blind to events outside of their own commune. More often than not, the agitators were run out of town by suspicious peasants. 3 By 1900, the remnants of the Narodonik philosophy had melted into the Social Republican party. 4 The ``Emancipation Manifesto'' had marked the beginning of the end for the nobility. Deprived of their serfs and unable to gain any power in the government, the Nobles were forced to sell off their land, little by little, to support their lifestyle. For a government supported by nothing more than the momentum of history and tradition, the decline of the nobility foreshadowed the destruction of the autocracy. At the turn of the century, the Czar had very little support outside his own bureaucracy. Young Nicholas II, heir to the throne in the late 1800's, inspired hope in those rallying for governmental reform. Zemstvos and volosts, local governments elected by nobles and peasants, hoped that Nicholas would at least allow these legislatures to have an advisory function for the Czar. 5 They were sadly disappointed once Nicholas II ascended the throne. Upon the death of Alexander III, the zemstvo of Tver petitioned Nicholas II to allow local representative bodies ``to express their opinion on questions of concern to them, in order that. . . the Russian people might reach the height of the throne. . .''. Nicholas replied, ``I am extremely astonished and displeased with this

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Discuss the roles of development learning Essay

The nervous system is responsible for the initiation, propagation and co-ordination of animal behaviour. How it is constructed and what factors are involved encompasses many fields of biology, from ethology and neurophysics to evolution. In this essay I will describe the roles of development learning and evolution in the construction of the nervous system and give experimental evidence that backs up these theories. Evolution Evolution deals with the origins of the nervous system, where it comes from determines how it will be constructed. This will have direct consequences on the relative fitness of an individual as the layout of the nervous system relates to how the animal behaves. Phylogeny is very important therefore to analyse how changes in the nervous system relate to the evolution of behaviour. The only realistic way of studying the evolution of nervous systems, particularly the events, which lead to, their current day form, is through comparative biology. By comparing closely related species in similar niches, the difference in their behaviour must have a genetic/nervous system origin. A good example of how behaviour can be genetic in origin and show that nervous systems can evolve to create different behavioural responses is found in deer. The white tailed deer odocoileus virginianus and the mule deer O. hemionus use different gaits when alarmed. The white deer gallop and the mule deer stott. This alone doesn’t confer that the difference is due to their nervous systems but the genetic origin for the behaviour is inferred when a cross between the two species results in a hybrid that bounds when alarmed. In order to attain quantitative data the use of complex nervous systems, such as mammals, is unfeasible. A simpler nervous system is better suited and comparisons can then be extrapolated for the more complex animals. Within the invertebrates the model organism is, as ever, Drosophila. Since its genome has been sequenced and the relatively short generation time it plays a key role in the study of all type of nervous system construction. Zebra fish have been termed â€Å"flies with backbones† and are perfect for the study of nervous system development in vertebrates. However these relatively simple organisms are still too complex to study fully and so scientists tend to use a part of a nervous system for detailed analysis. The Crustacean Stomatogastric Ganglion STG, which comprises of only 30 ganglions, is most popular for several reasons, mainly because it has been preserved for about 350 million years and is seen across many taxa. This allows for comparison on a smaller scale and although the overall synaptic circuitry is similar there are differences in the relative strength of connections and the amount of electrical coupling across the taxa. The reason why the STG is seen across so many taxa is because on the whole the nervous system is a very evolutionary conserved organ. This reflects its importance to an animal. As it is so conserved certain inferences can be made regarding the evolution of the nervous system. The first is that the neural networks must be pretty similar across species meaning that the nervous system is more of a generalist than a specialist. Therefore only small changes to the nervous system are needed in order to produce markedly different behaviours. It is these behaviours that are then subsequently acted upon by natural selection and contribute to the nervous system layout in the next generation. Development Once the genetic instructions that determine the constitution of the nervous system have been selected the next step in the construction of the nervous system is the subsequent application of that code, the development. The nervous system develops during embryogenesis and continues in some form or another throughout the animals’ life, but that latter stages of this development I shall relate to the learning part of this essay. From before we have learnt that the basic mechanisms for constructing a nervous system are highly conserved during evolution. There is a set of general tools that are used by all species and perhaps only a few specialist tools are needed in order to make an individual nervous system. The nervous systems building blokes are neurones, and since all cells derive from the fusion of the male and female gametes there must be factors telling cells to become neurones. The process of creating neurones is called neurogenesis and the mechanism is neural induction, the committal of cells to a neural fate. It appears that this process is a permissive one, one where the local inactivation of inhibitors in the ectoderm, creates neurones. The factors that drive neural induction are basic helix loop helix type proteins and homologues have been found in both vertebrates and invertebrates, thus stressing their importance. Also the helix loop helix is a very evolutionary old mechanism for gene regulation and the fact that neural cells can be coerced The next step is the creation of asymmetry in the ectoderm. This allows a more complex, coordinated nervous system to develop. The formation of layers, maps and modules is an essential feature of neural development in â€Å"higher† animals. The process of creating asymmetry, and so the nervous system as a whole, can be divided into three parts. 1. Pathway Selection The growing tips of the neurones travel great distances in order to reach their target. When confronted with a series of choice points they manage to travel in the right direction. 2. Target Selection Once the neurone has arrived in the correct neighbourhood the contact and recognise their correct target, usually a localised set of neurones. 3. Address Selection Refinement occurs as axonal terminals retract and expand to select a specific subset of cells from within the overall target. Capable of transforming a coarse, grained and overlapping projection into a refined and highly tuned pattern of connections. The mechanisms of these processes are still being elucidated although some basic principles have begun to crystallise. The development of connectivity most probably involves general â€Å"algorithmic† principles. The experiments performed in the last ten years have proved to provide strong evidence for many of the previous hypothesis. Pathway and Target Selection Mechanisms Axonal growth needs to be controlled in order for a functioning nervous system to develop, however this does not necessarily mean that the neurons have to be firing in order to be set up. The pathway and target selection mechanisms are believed to be autonomous, activity independent. This has been demonstrated by work done on Ambystomid Urodeles (Twitty and Johnson 1934). The embryos were paralysed with TTX for a period of days until the larvae would normally move and feed for themselves. At that point the TTX induced paralysis wore off and surprisingly the animals soon began to swim and eat in a remarkably normal fashion. In the 1970’s a theory developed that the innervation of muscles is largely at random, with patterns emerging later by the elimination of connections and cell death. This appears to be a very costly mechanism as neurones are being created only to soon be destroyed. This theory was abandoned when studies were performed on chicks (Landmesser 1978, 1980) and zebra fish (Eisen et al, 1986) that showed specific motor neurones innervate their target muscle with relatively few error from the outset. They possess unique identities that allow them to differentially respond to the choice point region, follow particular pathways and innervate specific muscle. Sperry first postulated the mechanism for the directionality of growth cone movement in 1963 when he suggested the chemoaffinity hypothesis. Neuronal growth cones were specifically guided toward their correct targets by specific chemotactic cues and proposed gradients of chemical labels. The neurones enhance and transduce the signals from the extracellular matrix to remodel cytoskeletal elements. This form of gradient-mediated chemotaxis is essential in the formation of more complex structures such as layers and maps. However the directional sensing of neurones in a 2D field such as the tectum is strong evidence for guidance by gradients despite any molecular evidence. Theoretical analysis show that requirements for map formation are simple for target tissue; there must be at least one gradient for each of the tangential dimensions. For co-ordinated simultaneous development of the nervous system there must be a series of different gradients to ensure that neurones do not switch tracks or get confused when the tissue becomes saturated with the same molecule. This has been seen when the preferred neurone’s pathway has been ablated and they have chosen not to move down other axons. There is also compelling evidence for chemorepressor molecules which serve to deter axonal growth. Studies by Kampfhammer and Raper in the past 15 years have shown the mutual avoidance of the CNS axons and the PNS axons. Evidence is also accumulating that the developing midline of the CNS of both vertebrates and invertebrates provides both attractive and repulsive guidance cues. Many CAMs, integrins and extracellular matrix molecules have been implicated in growth cone guidance, owing to their expression in vivo. The experimental evidence for these molecules being directly responsible through the use of immunoassays and mutation is scare. One series of molecules has been identified though, small GTP proteins of the rho family that regulate the focal adhesion, membrane ruffling and filopodial protrusion of neurones. However assessing the accuracy of targeting is difficult. The mapping efficiency, although higher than simple dorsal-ventral distinctions is still far below the accuracy of some sections in the nervous system, namely vision. Other theories have had to be formulated in order to explain the increase in resolution. Selective cell death has been postulated but the one with the most evidence is activity dependent self-organisation. Address Targeting Activity dependent plasticity seems uniquely suited to refine local axonal projections beyond the accuracy achieved by genetic instruction alone. Schmidt and Edwards (1983) demonstrated the effects of activity dependent on creating a fine-grained map in the visual cortex of a fish. The fishes’ eye was crushed, if left to heal it eventually regenerated and regained the retinotectal map. If the regeneration was interrupted by the addition of TTX the fine-grained map failed to form although the coarse topographic map still formed. This suggests the relationship between refinement and neuronal activity. Further studies revealed that retinal ganglion cells fired synchronously, both during embryogenesis (intrinsic origin) and after (extrinsic origin), suggesting that it was not the neural activity per se but the temporal and spatial firing that refines axonal connections. So called â€Å"cells that fire together wire together†. But the converse is also true, that for any kind of axonal remodelling not only must appropriate connections be strengthened but inappropriate ones must be weakened. The evidence for the synchronous firing of neurones continuing into later life means that the environment is constantly altering the neural networks. Learning As we have learnt the constantly changing neural networks are directly related to the extrinsic information they receive. The definition of learning is the acquisition of new information and memory is the retention of that information over time. It is clear now how the two are related in terms of the nervous system, the process of learning effects the construction of the nervous system by the storage of the information gained. The acquisition of information may come in different forms, associative between two stimuli or non-associative such as habitualisation. However they do not directly alter the nervous system, the nervous system is altered by the way in which it decides to store this data. The first insight was made by Ebbinghaus (1913) where he determined different phases of memory storage. It was Milner who first made the distinction between short term and long-term memory, the two different types of data storage, which are separated on a temporal basis. Short-term storage involves functional changes in the strength of pre-existing synaptic connections. This was demonstrated by experiments on Alpysia. Conditioning was performed and it was reflected in the neural circuitry as a greatly enhanced strengthening of the input connections of the sensory neurones to their target cells. Murphy and Glanzman (1997) provide compelling evidence for the changes in synapse being causally involved in the learning of new information through their work on the receptors of glutamate in the synapses. Long-term memory storage involves the synthesis of new protein and the growth of new connections (Flexner et al 19650. Given this information how is short-term memory converted into long-term memory? The answer is not yet fully understood, but experiments have given some clues as t how it occurs. Serotonin is thought to be important (Kandel 1976) as it increases the intracellular concentration of the secondary messenger cAMP. Martin et al (1997) suggests that new genes are being activated in the nucleus have their products distributed widely, but that the products only persistently strengthen those synapses that have somehow been marked by short term facilitation. It also appears that the protein CREB is required for functional plasticity but it is not sufficient for morphological plasticity. The changes to the gross structure of the nervous system in response to learning can be seen in an experiment performed on monkeys that were trained to preferentially use only some fingers. The cortical representation of those fingers expanded (Merzenich and colleagues). This has also been demonstrated with violinists who show a disproportionate representation of their left hand (fingering hand) when compared to their right hand (bow movement). Conclusions The roles played by each factor described here each have their own specific effect on the construction of the nervous system. The evolutionary aspect controls the â€Å"blueprints† of the nervous systems that are hard coded into the DNA of the animal. However it is not specifically the genetic makeup of the nervous system that natural selection acts against, rather the phenotype of the nervous system, which is the combination of the developmental and the learning factors. The evolutionary factors alter the genotype, the only source of variation that can be passed down to their offspring. The development can only attempt to recreate the layout as specified by the different alleles; it cannot exceed them in terms of functionality. The true source of variation depends on the extrinsic information obtained and stored in memory, but that us not able to cross generations (with the exception of tradition) and so could be an explanation for the high evolutionary conservation of the nervous system. Bibliography Gierer, A & Muller, C. M 1995 development of layers maps and modules. Current Opinion o Neurobiology 5 91-97 Goodman, C. S & Shatz, C.J. 1993 Developmental mechanisms that generate precise patterns of neuronal connectivity Neuron 10 (Suppl. ). 77-98 Lumsden, A. & Jan, Y-N. 1997 Development. Editorial overview: the end of the beginning? Current Opinion in Neurobiology 7 3-6 Kandel, E. R. & Pittenger, C. 1999 The past, the future and the biology of memory storage Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society London B 354 2027-2052 Katz, P. S & Harris-Warwick R. M. 1999 The evolution of neuronal circuits underlying species-specific behaviour Current Opinion in Neurobiology 9 628-633.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

My Bloody Life Claims

In Chicago, one gains power that is attained only by being ruthless. This can be shown in the book My bloody Life, by Reymundo Sanchez, that takes place in Chicago. Throughout this book, Reymundo points out the ruthlessness in the main character that gains his power only by being that. Reymundo quotes, â€Å"I was digging up my own grave because I wanted to be accepted. I wanted to be looked up to. The only way I knew of achieving this status among the gang members was to commit as many violent acts as possible†¦ Finally those around me stopped thinking of me as a coward, R.S 114. † Reymundo shows that he acknowledges the fact that he is digging up his own grave by committing crimes. His ruthless character is shown by when he says, â€Å"achieving this status†¦was to commit as many violent acts as possible. † To reymundo, in order to gain his power he had to be looked up to, and the only way that he would be looked up to is by committing as many violent crimes as possible. In Chicago, power is abused to suppress the lower class.This can be shown in the book My bloody Life, by Reymundo Sanchez, which takes place in the city of Chicago. In the book there are several scenes where innocent lower class people are not treated fair, because of their status. Reymundo says, â€Å"Gang members as well as non-gang members feel they need to run and hide when the police are present. If they didn’t, they would be harassed beaten or arrested for a crime they didn’t commit.Police tend to believe that kids in the ghetto are guilty unless proven innocent. That’s why kids run, and the police are the enemy, R. S 231. † This quote shows the mentality of the lower class whether they are gang or non-gang members. The fact that instead of having a fair trial, the lower class are harassed, beaten or arrested for a crime they did not commit shows the suppression on the lower class that is being abused by the ones with power.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Report Essays - Vodafone, Economy, Business, Hutchison 3G

Report Essays - Vodafone, Economy, Business, Hutchison 3G Report To: Marketing Director From: Marketing Manager Date: 24.11.2009 Subject: Market Research and Information needs Introduction As a marketing manager, I have been asked to write a report on market research and information needs for the Vodafone Company. Vodafone is the world's largest mobile telecommunication community, employing over 65,000 staff and with 130 million customers. The business operates in 26 countries worldwide. Vodafone is public limited company with listings on the London and New York stock exchanges. Global recognition of the Vodafone brand is growing as the company rolls out its identity into new markets. However, it retains local names and imagery in markets where this is essential to maintaining the trust of customers. Marketing The world is global market with few barriers to entry, so Vodafone has to be highly visible as "the brand to buy". Effective marketing is the key to this high visibility. Marketing involves anticipating customers' needs and finding the right product or service to meet those needs, thereby encouraging high sales levels. Vodafone goes further by looking at impress on its customers not merely what its products are i.e. features, but also what they increasingly do, benefits for example. This involves effective communication. According to www.vodafone there is a slowdown in sales of mobile handsets in the UK market, as the mature part of the product lifecycle is reached. Customers are exposed to a barrage of different images and messages by mobile phones companies, as the competition gets tougher. Some companies merger in order to increase their market share, T-Mobile and Orange example of this. That influences Vodafone to appeal to new customers and aims to keep its existing ones by emphasising the uniqueness of the brand. Vodafone's aim is to grow its revenue and improve its profit margin by adding value to its products and services i.e. earning more form each product sold. The 'Vodafone live!' service enables customers to use picture messaging and to download polyphonic ring tones, colour games, images and information, through an icon-driven menu as well as get an access to Facebook, MSN, Google etc. This service will soon be further enhanced by picture messaging libraries, video clips and video telephony (seeing the person you are calling) and improving download speeds. Another service is the Vodafone Mobile Connect Card, which allows customers to access their normal business applications on a laptop when out of the office. Such services add value to the product, and high profile effective promotion will help sell these services to existing and new customers. A longer term marketing strategy is underpinned by careful planning and successful marketing mix. The marketing mix is a combination of many features that can be represented by the four Ps. . Product - features and benefits of a good or service . Place - where the good or service can be bought . Price - the cost of a good or service . Promotion- how customers are made aware of a good or service. Product A product with many different features provides customers with opportunities to chat, play games, send and receive pictures, internet access, change ringtones, receive information about travel and sporting events, obtain billing information - and soon view video clips and send video messages. Place . Vodafone UK operates over 300 of its own stores. . It also sells through independent retailers e.g. Carphone Warehouse, Phones 4 U . Customers are able to handle products they are considering buying . People are on hand to ensure customers' needs are matched with the right product and to explain the different options available. Price . Vodafone wants to make its services accessible to as many people as possible : from the young, through apprentices and high powered business executives, to the more mature users. . It offers various pricing structures to suit different customer groups. . Monthly price plans are available as well as prepay options. Phone users can top up their phone on line. . Vodafone UK offers service called Family which allows speak free to them if you top up your phone at least 5 pounds monthly. Promotion Vodafone works with icons such as David Beckham to communicate its brand values. Above the line Advertising on TV, on billboards, in magazines and in other media outlets reaches large audiences and spreads the brand image and the message very effectively. This is known as above the line promotion. Below the line promotion Stores have special offers, promotions and point of sale posters to attract those inside the stores to buy. Vodafone's stores, its products and its staff all project the brand image.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Organizational analysis with reference to Social work

Organizational analysis with reference to Social work Introduction Organizations employ a vast range of social workers. These social workers are engaged in myriads of work within any organization. This work indeed varies from working in a large organization charged with production of goods to organizations that are predominantly engaged in designing and production of services aimed at satisfying communal and even individual needs.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Organizational analysis with reference to Social work specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Human service organizations employ an immense number of social workers. As a way of example, psychiatrists and psychologists entangle some of the social workers who work much more independently that social workers do generally. Given the complexities of social work service within an organization, many theories have been proposed to explain the nature and the relevance of social workers within an organization. Some of such theo ries are feminism and human services, as discussed by Jones and May (1992, p. 56), amongst others. This paper works from a human service organization perspective to compare and contrast feminism and human service theories. Background Following the emergence of the second movement for liberation of women, scholars have challenged many of the traditional understanding of the women’s experiences. This has prompted the emergence of a new scholarship body deploying concepts of feminism. With respect to social work theories, feminism is deployed to refer to â€Å"a mode of analysis involving certain ways of thinking and of acting, which are designed to eliminate the oppression of women in the society to achieve women’s liberation† (Hannan, Carroll Polos 2003, p.310). Feminism theory provides strongly founded grounds for studying the various experiences of women with social human services organizations especially based on the premise that social, economic and politica l structures shape the experiences of women. According to Tong (1989), in social work context, â€Å" feminist thought assumes that women’s interests and perspectives are valid in and of themselves, are not inferiors or secondary to those of men’s, nor should they be defined only in relation to or as a derivation from men’s experiences† (30).Advertising Looking for essay on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Indeed, this concern forms the criticisms of traditional psychological, philosophical, and historical scholarship. The absence of such assumptions is the building blocks of the feministic approaches employed in human services organizations. Human services theoretical perspective has at its heart the perception that social work is all about helping people irrespective of the differences either in gender terms or in any other way of classification of organizations’ w orking population. As Reskin and Hartmann (1986) note, human service theory perceives â€Å"social work as being all about social change at an individual as well as at community’s level† (p.102). In this context, human services theory mostly focuses on the resolution of people challenges within an organization amid the complexities that exist within human services organizations. In fact, this theory appreciates this nature of complexities. Thus, it sees the solutions to such complexities as being rested on the platforms of inculcating the spirit of creativity and fostering knowledge development among social workers (Jones May 1992, p.47). Ideally, human services theory seeks to provide responses to various interrogatives such as the relevance of seeking to know why people suffer, people’s responsibilities in resolution of social work problems showing how mechanisms of providing knowledge about human challenges may be availed. Similarities Both human services an d feminism theories are all advanced with the main objective of providing ways of explaining people’s behaviors, the way they view and even think about particular situations within the social work environment. Essentially then, the two perspectives provide the lens through which social workers acquire guidance. From a different dimension, the two theories are similar since their practicability is rested on a variety of quite similar frameworks, which actually influence the two perspectives. An example of these frameworks is ecosystem perspective. According to Hannan, Carroll and Polos, ecosystem perspective â€Å"focuses on the interplay between the person and his or her environment† (2003, p.312).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Organizational analysis with reference to Social work specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Paramount to note is that, whether from a feministic theory perspective or human service s perspective, it is widely agreeable that people within human services organization deserve to understand the functioning of various individuals. However, in an endeavor to understand people better, it is crucial that one understands the environmental context within which the person lives (Jones May 1992, p.52). Mohr (1998) â€Å"argues that â€Å"Individuals exist within families, families exist within communities and neighborhoods, and neighborhoods exist in a political, economic, and cultural environment† (p.355). In both theoretical perspectives, it is arguable that an individual’s environment contributes widely into shaping individual and group beliefs, choices and behaviors. Apparently, social work, as a discipline, pays an immense focus in attempting to understand people’s problems. These problems arguably stem right from the environment in which an individual comes, something that both human services and feminism theories indebt to address. Both theor etical perspectives deploy the concepts of human strengths in their premises. In the words of Berkun, â€Å"strengths perspective is built on the assumption that every individual, family, group and community has strengths. Focusing on these, strengths lead to growth and overcoming difficulties† (1984, p. 22). Directly congruent with this line of thought, both theoretical perspectives perceive clients as being the most plausible determinates of the appropriate helping strategies for employment in the resolution of problems afflicting them. In both theoretical perspectives, working from the contexts of clients are critical endeavors in contributing to coming up with a helping strategy that is both effective and efficient in resolution of challenges at hand. Consideration of cultural perspectives is yet another essential similarity between human services and feminism approaches in addressing issues in human services organizations.Advertising Looking for essay on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Arguably, in an attempt to come into an understating of people’s challenges within an organization, it is crucial for social workers, irrespective of the theoretical perspective they subscribe to, to ensure that they are culturally competent. This ideally calls for â€Å"understanding and approval of cultural distinctions, taking into account the beliefs, values, activities, and customs of distinctive population groups within an organisation† (Hannan, Carroll and Polos 2003, p.314). As a way of example, social workers working in the health services sector, whether deploying feminism or human services theoretical perspective or not, have at the back of their minds that the manner in which people discuss issues relating to their bodies impacts the way a person reacts. This acts as a determining factor of whether the person in question accepts or rejects the health services being offered. In this context, both theoretical perspectives recognize the necessity to integrate both acceptable social work principles with cultural principles of clients in an attempt to make social workers’ work yield substantive fruits. Differences Although human services and feminism approaches to social work within an organization have a number of similarities, some differences are also worth noting. While human services theory tends to treat all people working with organizations irrespective of the differences in terms of gender and or sexuality, feminism theory focuses more on women, as opposed to men claiming that women are different in a myriad of ways. Consequently, it sounds substantial to argue that â€Å"Feminist theory examines women in the social world addressing issues of concern to women focusing on these from the perspective, experiences, and viewpoint of women† (Berkun 1984, 20). At the inner core of the feminism theory is holding the position that women have been disadvantaged for a long time especially when perceived as lesser sex. For this p urpose, feminism theory in social work pays incredible time to introspect â€Å"feminist history, geography, literature, science, and develops ideas and approaches that are useful in a wide variety of these disciplines† (Mohr 1998, p.345). Feminism theory, as opposed to human services theory, is essentially a criticism of the convectional social work theories. Placing more emphasis on the women’s need developed an alternative knowledge an endevour to strike a commonplace and position as compared to men. Arguably, the position taken by feminism theorists is indeed a questionable one. For instance, how can focusing more on problems related to women help in promoting equality within human services organizations while negating the concerns of men, either partially or in totality? Apparently, the more the debate uphold the articulation women as essential social group worth of protection against the past historical gender (male) perceiving itself as being more superiors, the more the much forgotten differences tend to resurface. Second wave of women libration concerns are critical elements of feminism theory, as opposed to human services theory, which treats both genders equally in its premises. As argued before, this movement endeavors to provide an amicable understanding of experiences of women within organizations through promotion of new scholarship. Sandell (1993) notes, â€Å"this expanding interest in women has influenced the social work profession, but not to the extent one might expect in a field dominated by women both as professionals and clients† (p.663). In this end, it is evident that feminism as a practice, ideology or an ethical commitment has dominated the concerns of social work more as compared to human services theoretical perspectives. Arguably, this is perhaps because feminism theory, in comparison to human services theory, deploys values that are essentially sympathetic in nature. The end effect is women social workers per ceiving themselves as â€Å"integral to, and synonymous with, their personal and professional identity† (Sandell 1993, p.665). From this perspective, it is crucial to note that feminism theory tends to offer an opportunity for people subscribing to it to deviate from deploying the theory to guide their professional practice and rather focus more on applying their personal beliefs coupled with their own values in practice. Relevance of feminism and human services knowledge to professional social work practice The knowledge of feminism and human services theories and their applicability in human services organization is incredible since they aid immensely in fostering social workers’ professionalism and mastery of their areas of specialization. This knowledge aids them in identification of the eminent points of disagreements between the two theoretical perspectives and hence evaluation of the implication of such difference in the context of the social worker-client relat ionship. Arguably, this may go far in aiding in integration and appreciation of the perspectives one subscribes to with other people’s ways of thinking in an attempt to create a professional body. With regard to Thomson (2000), â€Å"the existence and use of a theory base or body of formal knowledge are strongly associated with the notion of professionalism and occupational credibility that professionalism status can be seen to bestow† (p.57). Therefore, theory is essential since it acts as a mechanism of adding value to status coupled with respect of a given profession that often goes into fostering the practice of a given profession- in this case social work. It is important for a social worker who is working in human service organization to understand these perspectives. The knowledge of human services theory and feminism theory or even any other theory of human services organization may help social workers in many ways. Paramount is that such knowledge is incredibl e in helping a social worker to understand the purpose and tasks of social work or rather the role that social work plays within the society in which he or she lives. The theories, additionally, provide magnificent methodologies that guide a social worker on how to go about with his or her roles as a social worker. Substantive understanding of one’s profession coupled with the procedures of conducting the roles associated with the profession acts as a subtle tool for enhancing an individual’s professionalism success. In the context of social work, this is availed through precise understanding of human services theories. Consequently, by not having this knowledge, it hinders the social worker’s practice in the sense that such a person is largely non-cognizant of the roles akin to his or her profession. Hence, he or she may be incompetent to practice what the profession entails. Conclusion Social workers do differing work within the organizations that employs them . This work is varied and ranges from doing social work in a large organization charged with production of goods to the organization that predominantly design and produce services aimed at satisfying communal, societal, and individual needs. For the social workers to be conversant with their roles and methodologies of executing their tasks, it is significant that they become conversant with theories of social work. Stemming from this argument, the paper has found it plausible to work from a human service organization perspective to compare and contrast feminism perspectives and human service perspective as some of these theories. References Berkun, C 1984, ‘Women and the field experience: Toward a model of nonsexist field-based learning conditions’, Journal of Education for Social Work, vol. 20 no. 3, pp-20-26. Hannan, T, Carroll, G, Polos, L 2003, ‘The organizational niche’, Sociological Theory, vol. 21 no. 4, pp.309–340. Jones, A May, J 1992, Wor king In Human Service Organisation: A Critical Introduction, Longman, Cheshire. Mohr, W 1998, ‘Measuring meaning structures’, Annual Review of Sociology, vol. 2 no. 3, pp. 345–370. Reskin, F Hartmann, H 1986, Women’s work, men’s work: Sex segregation on the job, National Academies Press, Washington, DC. Sandell, K 1993, ‘Different voices: Articulating Feminist Social Work’, Journal of Social Welfare, vol. 3 no. 2, pp.663-669. Thomson, N 2000, Theory and practice in human services, Open University Press, Buckingham, Philadelphia. Tong, R 1989, Feminist Thought: A Comprehensive Introduction, Westview Press, Boulder.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

History of the Iran-Contra Scandal

History of the Iran-Contra Scandal The Iran-Contra affair was a political scandal that exploded in 1986, during President Ronald Reagans second term, when it came to light that senior administration officials had secretly- and in violation of existing laws- arranged for the sale of arms to Iran in return for Iran’s promise to help secure the release of a group of Americans being held hostage in Lebanon. Proceeds from the arms sales were then secretly, and again illegally, funneled to the Contras, a group of rebels fighting the Marxist Sandinista government of Nicaragua. Iran-Contra Affair Key Takeaways The Iran-Contra affair was a political scandal that played out between 1985 and 1987, during the second term of President Ronald Reagan.The scandal revolved around a plan by Regan administration officials to secretly and illegally sell arms to Iran, with funds from the sales funneled to the Contra rebels fighting to overthrow Nicaragua’s Cuban-controlled, Marxist Sandinista government.In return for the arms sold to them, the Iranian government had vowed to help secure the release of a group of Americans being held hostage in Lebanon by the terrorist group Hezbollah.While several top White House officials, including National Security Council member Colonel Oliver North were convicted due to their participation in the Iran-Contra affair, no evidence that President Reagan had planned or authorized the arms sales was ever revealed. Background The Iran-Contra scandal grew out of President Reagan’s determination to eradicate Communism worldwide. So supportive of the Contra rebels’ struggle to overthrow Nicaragua’s Cuban-backed Sandinista government, Reagan had called them, â€Å"the moral equivalent of our Founding Fathers.† Operating under the so-called â€Å"Reagan Doctrine† of 1985, the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency was already training and assisting the Contras and similar anti-Communist insurgencies in several countries. However, between 1982 and 1984, the U.S. Congress had twice specifically prohibited providing further funding to the Contras. The convoluted path of the Iran-Contra scandal began as a covert operation to free seven American hostages who had been held in Lebanon since the state-sponsored Iranian terrorist group Hezbollah had kidnapped them in 1982. The initial plan was to have America’s ally Israel ship weapons to Iran, thus bypassing an existing U.S. arms embargo against Iran. The United States would then resupply Israel with arms and receive payment from the Israeli government. In return for the weapons, the Iranian government promised to help free the Hezbollah-held American hostages. However, in late 1985, U.S. National Security Council member Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North secretly devised and implemented a revision to the plan whereby a part of the proceeds from the weapons sales to Israel would secretly- and in violation of the congressional ban- be diverted to Nicaragua to help the insurgent Contras. What Was the Reagan Doctrine? The term â€Å"Reagan Doctrine† arose from President Reagan’s 1985 State of the Union address, in which he called on Congress and all Americans to stand up to the Communist-ruled Soviet Union, or as he called it the â€Å"Evil Empire.† He told Congress: â€Å"We must stand by all our democratic allies, and we must not break faith with those who are risking their lives- on every continent, from Afghanistan to Nicaragua- to defy Soviet-supported aggression and secure rights which have been ours from birth.† Scandal Discovered The public first learned of the Iran-Contra arms deal shortly after a transport aircraft carrying 50,000 AK-47 assault rifles and other military weapons was shot down over Nicaragua on November 3, 1986. The aircraft had been operated by Corporate Air Services, a front for Miami, Florida-based Southern Air Transport. One of the plane’s three surviving crew members, Eugene Hasenfus, stated in a press conference held in Nicaragua that he and his two crewmates had been hired by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency to deliver the arms to the Contras. After the Iranian government confirmed agreeing to the arms deal, President Reagan appeared on national television from the Oval Office on November 13, 1986, stating of the deal: â€Å"My purpose was to send a signal that the United States was prepared to replace the animosity between [the U.S. and Iran] with a new relationship †¦ At the same time we undertook this initiative, we made clear that Iran must oppose all forms of international terrorism as a condition of progress in our relationship. The most significant step which Iran could take, we indicated, would be to use its influence in Lebanon to secure the release of all hostages held there.† Oliver North   The scandal grew worse for the Reagan administration after it became clear that National Security Council member Oliver North had ordered the destruction and concealment of documents related to the Iran and Contra arms sale. In July 1987, North testified before a televised hearing of a special joint congressional committee created to investigate the Iran-Contra scandal. North admitted that he had lied when describing the deal to Congress in 1985, stating that he had viewed the Nicaraguan Contras as â€Å"freedom fighters† engaged in a war against the Communist Sandinista government. Based on his testimony, North was indicted on a series of federal felony charges and ordered to stand trial. Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North Testifies to Senate on Iran-Contra Scandal.   Getty Images Archive During the 1989 trial, North’s secretary Fawn Hall testified that she had helped her boss shred, alter, and remove official United States National Security Council documents from his White House office. North testified that he had ordered the shredding of â€Å"some† documents in order to protect the lives of certain individuals involved in the arms deal. On May 4, 1989, North was convicted of bribery and obstruction of justice and was sentenced to a three-year suspended prison term, two years on probation, $150,000 in fines, and 1,200 hours of community service. However, on July 20, 1990, his conviction was vacated when a federal court of appeals ruled that North’s televised 1987 testimony to Congress may have improperly influenced the testimony of some witnesses at his trial. After taking office in 1989, President George H.W. Bush issued presidential pardons to six other individuals who had been convicted for their involvement in the scandal.   Had Reagan Ordered the Deal? Reagan made no secret of his ideological support of the Contra’s cause. However, the question of whether he ever approved Oliver North’s plan to provide weapons to the rebels remains largely unanswered. The investigation into the exact nature of Reagan’s involvement was hindered by the destruction of related White House correspondence as ordered by Oliver North. In early 1986, the Reagan-appointed Tower Commission, chaired by Republican Texas Senator John Tower, found no evidence that Reagan himself was aware of the details or extent of the operation, and that the initial sale of arms to Iran had not been a criminal act. In a televised address on March 4, 1987, Reagan, however, took responsibility for the scandal, stating that â€Å"what began as a strategic opening to Iran deteriorated, in its implementation, into trading arms for hostages.† President Reagan's television address on the Iran-Contra Affair, 1987. National Archives While his image suffered as a result of the Iran-Contra scandal, Reagan’s popularity recovered, allowing him to complete his second term in 1989 with the highest public approval rating of any president since Franklin D. Roosevelt. Sources and Suggested References Report of the Congressional Committees Investigating the Iran-Contra Affair, United States. Congress. House Select Committee to Investigate Covert Arms Transactions with Iran.Reagan, Ronald. August 12, 1987. Address to the Nation on the Iran Arms and Contra Aid Controversy, The American Presidency ProjectNever Had an Inkling’: Reagan Testifies He Doubts Contragate Ever Happened. Videotape Transcript Released. Los Angeles Times. Associated Press. February 22, 1990.  The Iran-Contra Affair 20 Years On, The National Security Archive (George Washington University), 2006  Tower commission report excerpts, The Tower Commission Report (1986)

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Why corporate social responsibility matters Essay

Why corporate social responsibility matters - Essay Example Corporate companies are setting up fully fledged CSR departments focusing on the social issues of contemporary relevance. A complex chain of various stakeholders of the company including the community; vendors, customers, investors and the concerned government will be involved in a CSR decision of the company. In other words, a CSR decision of particular company will affect its varied range of stakeholders. The stakeholders will have either comply with the CSR decision or in cases, they will benefit from the CSR initiative of the company. Johnson & Johnson is a multinational company with its presence over 60 countries. It has more than 250 subsidiary companies with human resource strength of 116,000 people. Being a large company and having been using the governmental and natural resources for long years, it becomes the responsibility of Johnson & Johnson to be responsible to issues of social relevance. The objective of this essay is to critically analyze the Corporate Social Responsi bility initiatives of Johnson and Johnson. Managerial Structure of Corporate Social Responsibility Wing The company claims that CSR has been included in the mission statement of the company 60 years ago. Interestingly, in that period CSR was not a point of discussion as a responsibility to be fulfilled by Corporate Companies. The CSR initiatives of the company were started by General Robert Wood Johnson (CSR Globe, 2006) He was the Chairman of the Director Board of the company then. The first initiative taken up by the company in this regard has been claimed by the company to have taken up way back in 1906. The company supported the government to source medical supply for the victims of the earthquake that happened in San Francisco. The CSR representative for the company is the Executive Committee. This makes it clear that the CSR initiatives of Johnson & Johnson is planned and controlled by its top level management. The involvement of senior level management in thus ensured in the process of planning and implementation. The governance of Johnson & Johnson’s Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives is centrally based from its headquarters. This central approach in governance makes sure that the policy is oriented and focused on the central policies suggested by the Executive committee of the company. This further ensures the top management’s control over the CSR mechanism. The comprehensive Strategy Johnson and Johnson have developed a comprehensive strategy that clearly defines the limits of implementation of CSR. The CSR priorities of the company have been clearly defined to be limited to four sections. First of it is to cater to the company’s responsibility towards nurses, patients, doctors, mothers fathers and others who use the products of Johnson and Johnson. The second priority area is employees all across the world. The third is communities and the fourth one is stockholders. On careful analysis of these priority areas, it is cl early observable that the company has clearly defined the reach of its CSR initiatives. Interestingly, most of the beneficiaries from all the four priority areas belong to their customer base and direct dependents of the company. For instance when the patients who use their products refer to their customer base, the 116,000 people employees who are direct dependants of the company are included in within the limits of the activity. In conclusion, it can be observed that the CSR policy of Johnson and Johnson comprises of a comprehensive strategy clearly defining its limits to business development, human resource welfare, supply and sourcing chain wellbeing and community welfare. Specific CSR Programs The CSR programs of the company focus on three large areas including Environment, Social and Governance and Economic. The

Woolworths Ltd Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Woolworths Ltd - Assignment Example The aim of the company is to grow its business by increasing its leadership in the area of food and liquor, maximize shareholder value, continue its record of building new businesses, while putting in place enabling factors in order to facilitate a new growth era (Woolworths Ltd 2013b). During the year ended June 30, 2013 the company expanded its operations through the addition of 32 hotels, 22 home improvement stores, 25 supermarkets in Australia and 6 in New Zealand (including a franchise), 14 petrol outlets, 15 Dan Murphy’s, 14 BWS and 6 BIG W (Woolworth Ltd 2013a). The company’s main competitor is Coles- a supermarket chain operated by Wesfarmers Ltd. Analysis of Financial Performance According to BPP (2009) return on capital employed (ROCE) is considered to be one of the most important ratios and so it is not possible to assess profitability without relating it to assets employed. Woolworths’ ROCE was unstable for the most part, declining from 25.58% in 2011 to 22.59 in 2012 and then increasing to 23.75% in 2013 (See Appendix 1 for calculations). A return of over 20% is considered good when compared to current interest rates. When compared with Wesfarmers Ltd ROCE is also better. In fact, Wesfarmers’ ROCE indicates instability, increasing from 10.07% in 2011 to 11.24% in 2012 and then declining to 10.92% in 2013 (See Appendix 1 for calculations). ... Growth in Wesfarmers’ revenues were also much higher than Woolworths’ but similar declines over the period were evident. See Appendix 1 for details. Woolworths’ profit margin/earnings before interest and tax (EBIT) margin for the years 2013, 2012 and 2011 were 6.24, 6.11 and 6.05 respectively (See Woolworths Ltd Financial Summary on page 8 - Appendix 2). This indicates that Woolworths’ EBIT margin improved over the period. Woolworths’ EBIT margin compares favourably with Wesfarmers which increased from 5.88 in 2011 to 6.11 in 2012 but remained fairly stable in 2013 at 6.11 (See Appendix 1 for calculations). Earnings per share (EPS) - the earnings attributable to each share issued is found by dividing EBIT by the weighted average of the number of shares in issue. Woolworths’ EPS declined from $1.74 in 2011 to $1.48 in 2012 before increasing to $1.82 in 2013 (See Woolworths’ Income Statements for 2013 and 2012 on pages 11 and 15 - Append ix 2). The comparative EPS for Wesfarmers Limited shows EPS of $1.96 in 2013, $1.84 in 2012 and $1.66 in 2011 (See Wesfarmers’ Income Statements for 2013 and 2012 on pages 20 and 24 – Appendix 3). These figures indicate instability in Woolworths’ EPS and improvement in that for Wesfarmers’. Additionally, Wesfarmers EPS was higher for all three years. Analysis of Financial Position Statement An analysis of Woolworths’ financial position at year end 2011, 2012 and 2013 indicates that the group’s current ratio ranged between 0.79:1 and 0.91:1 over the period. (See Appendix 1 for details). While the ratio is improving, it suggests that the company is experiencing liquidity problems and may not be able to pay its debts as they fall due. The situation for Wesfarmers is a little better

Friday, October 18, 2019

Should Smoking Be Banned in Outdoor Public Parks Research Paper

Should Smoking Be Banned in Outdoor Public Parks - Research Paper Example Allowing smokers to smoke their cigar in public places will expose non-smokers to health problems. Tobacco smoking causes diseases such as lung cancer, respiratory problems among others (Chapman 162). It is unkind to expose an innocent victim to these health problems, yet the victim is not a member of the smoking club. Smokers may not see anything wrong with smoking in these public places, but it would an abuse of the rights of the non-smokers. Smoking in public places forces non-smokers to breathe the tobacco smoke. This habit irritates many people. Smokers should realize that many people suffer from various chronic conditions such as bronchitis, asthma among others. These conditions are sensitive to tobacco smoke thereby worsening their conditions. Public smoker creates a public nuisance because the smoke generated from his habit interferes with the normal activities of third parties. When an individual creates a public havoc, he is not different from a public smoker who directs his smoke to uninterested parties. Public smoking exposes young children to bad habits in the society. Children are not enlightened about the dangers of smoking. It is evident that children learn from what they see in the environment. When society allows people to smoke in public places, children will learn this habit. In addition, children are not able to distinguish between what the society perceive as bad or good. This calls for caution because the future depends on the present. The society must be able to teach children its values and their importance. Public places such as beaches, playgrounds attract many people. Young children are tempted to collect cigarette butts as some of their playing items in such places. This is very dangerous because it exposes the child to various microbes, which cause diseases. The mind of the child is different from the mind of an adult. Concerning this fact, the society must advocate for the safety of the children. No one can claim to be advocating  for children welfare when smokers loosely smoke in public places.

New business on wine Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

New business on wine - Essay Example This paper provides a clear picture regarding the possible name of a new business on wine. It also includes the details of the partnership agreement that can be followed by the partners who are going to buy the vineyard It also includes the details of the partnership agreement that can be followed by the partners who are going to buy the vineyard. Furthermore, a proper mission statement is also developed based on the current situation of the company. A list of objectives and a proper SWOT analysis is also included in the paper in order to help the management in the decision making process. Introduction In real business world, if noticed carefully, it will be found that most of the businesses irrespective of their size and nature are actually the result of partnerships of two or more individuals. In case of most of businesses starting point was a partnership. However, turning a partnership into a big business is one of the most challenging tasks in the world. There are number of activ ities and decision making processes that are involved in the entire process. Perhaps the first major activity for starting up a business is choosing an appropriate name that will give a brand identity to the business. This paper is all about such a business that is likely to be concentrated on a vineyard and the wine produced from it. The business needs to be given a proper name and hence the paper includes a suitable name for it. Furthermore, an appropriate partnership agreement that can be followed in conducting the business is also provided in the paper. Over the years it is observed that businesses succeed or fail on the basis of various strategic decisions that are made by the management. However, prior to making any strategic decision, it is very important to analyze the internal and external environment of the company. Hence, the paper includes a proper SWOT analysis for the vineyard business. It also includes the possible mission statement and a list of some major strategic objectives that are required to be met in order to have initial success. Task One The partnership business on vineyard is hereby given the name of ‘Azinert’ which is a combination of last two-three words that are taken from each of the existing product categories – Shiraz, Chenin and Dessert Wine. This will be the new brand identity for the business in upcoming years. All the products that will be produced will be sold under the brand name of Azinert. Task Two Legally a partnership is referred to the relationship between the individuals who are involved into common business with the objective of sharing profits. Usually more than a single party is involved in a partnership and partners must have to agree various terms and conditions which are the pillars of the partnership (Kimuda, 2008). The partnership agreement, in case of Azinert will be made on May 15, 2011. The partners are likely to contribute the capital in the form of cash. There will be a separate capit al account for each of the partners. None of the partners will be able to withdraw any portion from his capital account. Based on the demand of each of the partners, the capital accounts will be maintained in a certain proportions in which profits and losses are shared. The net profits as well as the net losses will be divided equally among the partners. There will be a separate income account for each of the partners. Profits or losses will be either credited or charged to the each of the income accounts. In case the income account does not have enough balance, then losses will be charged to the respective capital account (Internet Legal Research Group, n.d.). As far as the salaries are concerned, there will be no such thing for any partner for any services that are rendered. However, partners are allowed to withdraw the required credit balance from their respective income account. Furthermore, no interest will be credited on the initial amount of capital neither there will be any interest on the any subsequent

Thursday, October 17, 2019


COMPARISON OF TWO PSYCHOTHERAPEUTIC APPROACHES - Essay Example In todays economy mental health issues have come into the mainstream in the news on a regular basis. As an example, Mental Health America reports that "about 20% of the U.S. population reports at least one depressive symptom in a given month, and 12% report two or more in a year". The National Institute of Mental health reports that "an estimated 26.2% of Americans ages 18 and older†¦suffer from a diagnosable mental disorder in any year." It is also known that many people suffer from more than one mental disorder as well. People are attempting to cope with the world as it is while they watch their homes being foreclosed upon, their jobs ending and everyday living expenses rising. More people are turning to mental health practitioners to help them sort out problems that they are having individually and as families. This is a time when new counselors can be of great help because there is such a great need. In order to prepare for any client, a new counselor must learn how to under stand symptoms and identify the type of mental disorder that their clients are experiencing. In order to do this, they must rely on the DSM-IV and other methods of diagnosis. One of the ways that students learn to become good therapists is by studying case studies. Most insurance companies will want a diagnosis and it should be accurate to the best of a counselors ability. Because of this it is important to practice using case studies and counseling theories in order to know what therapeutic approaches will work best for different mental disorders. These narrative theories recognize humans as active agents in the construction of their own realities rather than simply existing in some objective reality†¦they encourage students to understand material for themselves rather than simply completing assignments or requirements. (p. 834). Corsini

Cross-Cultural Management - Looking Into Intercultural Teams Essay

Cross-Cultural Management - Looking Into Intercultural Teams - Essay Example Based on a past research by Kabasakal and Bodur, some cultures are characterized by a strong slant towards collectivism and both societal and organizational levels. It may perhaps be useful for the multinational company to initially analyze the culture to which they would assign managers in terms of power distance, masculinity, human orientation, achievement, and future orientation. It may also look into the business culture’s commitment and sense of duty to the organization, respect for managerial hierarchy, type of leadership, and other ethical norms. Armed with such knowledge, multi-cultural managers can definitely influence the expectations of its multi-cultural managers and help in their adjustment to the new work environment. The research of Mendenhall and Oddou indicate that adjustment to the cross-cultural facets of a global assignment requires three distinct personal abilities, as follows: 1) the capacity to sustain a valued sense of self; 2) the ability to associate to host nationals; 3) the ability to intellectually appreciate the belief systems that underpin behaviours in the host country. If multi-cultural managers will be oriented with these traits, it would have been easier for them to adjust because their expectations were more effectively managed. If they possessed such traits, it would have been more probable for them to adjust easily in their offshore assignment. The multinational company is obliged to help select those individuals with these ideal traits for expatriation assignments.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019


COMPARISON OF TWO PSYCHOTHERAPEUTIC APPROACHES - Essay Example In todays economy mental health issues have come into the mainstream in the news on a regular basis. As an example, Mental Health America reports that "about 20% of the U.S. population reports at least one depressive symptom in a given month, and 12% report two or more in a year". The National Institute of Mental health reports that "an estimated 26.2% of Americans ages 18 and older†¦suffer from a diagnosable mental disorder in any year." It is also known that many people suffer from more than one mental disorder as well. People are attempting to cope with the world as it is while they watch their homes being foreclosed upon, their jobs ending and everyday living expenses rising. More people are turning to mental health practitioners to help them sort out problems that they are having individually and as families. This is a time when new counselors can be of great help because there is such a great need. In order to prepare for any client, a new counselor must learn how to under stand symptoms and identify the type of mental disorder that their clients are experiencing. In order to do this, they must rely on the DSM-IV and other methods of diagnosis. One of the ways that students learn to become good therapists is by studying case studies. Most insurance companies will want a diagnosis and it should be accurate to the best of a counselors ability. Because of this it is important to practice using case studies and counseling theories in order to know what therapeutic approaches will work best for different mental disorders. These narrative theories recognize humans as active agents in the construction of their own realities rather than simply existing in some objective reality†¦they encourage students to understand material for themselves rather than simply completing assignments or requirements. (p. 834). Corsini

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Developing good study skills Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Developing good study skills - Essay Example Furthermore, it is possible to overcome procrastination by developing proper studying habit, and hence improving the studying habit of an individual is the key of good study, and success in education. This paper takes a stand that good studying habits are an important tool that a student should have in their toolbox of life. Ability to develop good studying habits is able to create great organizational skills, and this develops the testing ability of a student, providing less stress and frustration when meeting and preparing deadlines. Rawlings (2008) explains that the tips of achieving success for onsite classroom students, is the same as the tips of achieving success for online students. Following a series of studying tips are essential in helping students to effectively learn new academic theories as well as concepts. Zimmerman and Schunk (2011) explains that effectively following these studying tips is an example of a good studying habit, and hence it helps a student to be organized in his or her work. One of the best methods that a student can use to stay organized is through using folders which can help him or her to keep assignments and any school work, until the time when these assignments and school work are needed. Rawlings (2008) explains that when children are able to reach a grade whereby tests and homework are part and parcel of their school curriculum, then there are a variety of actions that parents can undertake for purposes of encouraging good studying habits. It is important to explain that when students are faced with a variety of home work and tests, without proper guidance, chances are high that they may develop stress. On this basis, a good and proper studying habit is to carry a study before and during the process of doing the homework. It is important to understand that little amount of home studies will play a great role in helping elementary school

Monday, October 14, 2019

Economics Questions Essay Example for Free

Economics Questions Essay 1. Housing Prices 1.1 Fundamental and Non-fundamental Factors Pricing of a product depends on many factors such as demands for the product and how excessive the product exists in the market (supply). Housing price is influenced by `fundamental` and `non-fundamental` factors. The fundamental factor inn housing price is about supply and demand (Himmelberg, Christopher, and Sinai, 2005). 1.2 Market Bubbles and Fundamental Factors The question is whether market bubbles emerge from fundamental factors or what evidence that leads to a bubble in house prices. The fundamental factor inn housing price is about supply and demand (Himmelberg, Christopher, and Sinai, 2005). However, people know the theory of supply and demand are only the first steps towards understanding how setting up the market prices of a product. Furthermore, the theory also helps people to understand the way in which these prices help shape production and consumption decisions. It means that the law of supply and demand will explain any situation that might exist if the market price is too high and vice versa. At any given moment, where the market price is too high, we might expect that consumers will leave sellers since they are already have other options having the same characteristics, size, and the tastes with lower price. The supply-and-demand theory revolves around the proposition that a free, competitive market does in fact successfully generate a powerful tendency toward the market-clearing price. Without any conscious managing control, a market spontaneously generates a tendency toward the dovetailing of independently made decisions of buyers and sellers to ensure that each of their decisions fits with the decisions made by the other market participants. Were this tendency to be carried to the limit, no buyer (seller) would be misled that it wastes time attempting to buy (sell) at a price below (above) the market-clearing price (Kirzner, 2004) Since housing market attracts many investors to put their money for hope that it will raise significantly over times, the housing prices may reach a bubble period. The raise in house prices is influenced by fundamental factors, the supply and demand. This makes sense since the demand for having houses may be exploded when the bubble exist. By definition, bubble situation occurs when housing price is high because buyers/investors predict that the selling price of houses will rise dramatically in the future (Himmelberg, Christopher, and Sinai, 2005). 1.3 Current Housing Prices and the Bubble The housing prices continue to rising today. There are many underlying factor behind the uplifting housing prices. According to McCarthy and Peach (2004), one of the cause behind the rising housing price is because the existence of a speculative bubble in this asset market. This condition present potential threats as the asset market could experience a collapse that further harm the U.S. economy. Another reason of the uplifting housing prices is that the some home buyers Have the willingness and intention to buy the rising housing prices for hope that the houses will rise significantly in the future (McCarthy and Peach (2004). 2. Urban Land Theory Given the case that the town of Valley stream, Long Island is 20 miles by car from midtown Manhattan and in 2000, the median home value was $199,800. The town of Dix Hills, Long Island is 36 miles from Midtown Manhattan and the median home value in 2000 was $386,100. Explain why these facts do or do not disprove the standard `urban land theory` as formulated by economists such as Kain and Alonso. The case does not comply with the urban land theory since the price of housing does not merely relate to distance from a city center or any places of interests. Many factors or preferences have great impacts towards customers’ decision on buying housing that further influences the price as following: a) A Change in Buyers’ Incomes and Wealth According to Howard Community College, â€Å"the demand for most products will go up of buyers’ real incomes or real wealth, i.e., their purchasing power rises.† In the case of housing, if a buyers of the housing manage to earn $25,000 next year instead of $10,000 this year (and assuming there is no increase in the price level), it means that the costumer’s real income increases. This situation will affect the customer’s spending such as their preferences to buy houses that are more expensive. b) Buyers’ Tastes and Preferences Another factor that influences the demand for a product is buyers’ tastes and preferences. In case of housing, the existence of emotional benefits such as good neighborhood or areas where there are celebrities will raise the price of housing in the areas. In addition, the availability of transportation to distance location may increase the housing prices. Another theory says that fundamental factors, the supply and demand, may have influence towards the pricing of cities. Third, changes in underlying fundamentals can affect cities where in locations where housing supply is inelastic, prices tend to be higher relative to rents (McCarthy and Peach, 2004) c) The Prices of Related Products or Services In the housing case of Valley stream, Long Island and Dix Hills, Long Island, the difference of pricing may happen if in the areas there are many housing or other substitutes like apartment, condominiums, and townhouses. Therefore, it does not matter a housing is located hundreds miles away from the downtown, as long as there are value added that customers will obtain when purchasing the houses in the are, the price could be much higher than that near to a city center. The situation explains why Valley stream, Long Island that is 20 miles by car from midtown Manhattan and in 2000, the median home value was $199,800 is priced lower than town of Dix Hills, Long Island is 36 miles from Midtown Manhattan and the median home value in 2000 was $386,100. d) Buyers’ Expectation of the Product’s Future Price This factor will play a role when, for instance, Dix Hills, Long Island announces that the price of their houses will increase next month or year since there will be a shopping centers of any place of interests that located near to the housing. This situation will drive consumers to buy the houses in Dix Hills, Long Island quicker. Therefore, this kind of determinants will increase current demand for the housing in Dix Hills, Long Island and shift the demand curve to the right. 3. Feds and booms and busts in the housing market In the New York Times column of May 27, 2005 economist Paul Krugman wrote: After all, the Feds ability to manage the economy managing comes from its ability to create booms and busts in the housing market In 2004, inflation had picked up and had raised questions in the minds of some people about whether it might be on a rising trend that poses a risk to price stability. Total consumer price inflation as measured by the chain price index for personal consumption expenditures (PCE) has risen from 1.4 percent over the twelve months of last year to an annual rate of 3.0 percent over the first four months of 2004. Donald L. Kohn, a Governor of the Federal Reserve, says that price stability is Fed’s responsibility since it allow businesses and households to plan and operate without worrying about increases in the general price level over the long run is how we contribute best to fostering economic efficiency and rising standards of living (â€Å"Remarks†). Inflation has closed relationship with interest rates. In the situation where retail prices experience a significant increase, people might expect that interest rate will rise as well. The reason is that government try to control the amount of money exist in the market. According BBC News (2005), the increase of oil price and Katrina storm have caused investors in Wall Street to think of Federal Reserve that will likely to push up interest rates rapidly to control inflation. In the United States, the Treasury yield curve is the first indicator of all domestic interest rates and it influence global rates setting. Therefore, in the U.S., interest rates on all other domestic bond categories rise and fall with Treasuries yield. Below is the figure explaining the impact of inflation and interest rates on the Yield.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Henry Viii And Anglicanism Religion Essay

Henry Viii And Anglicanism Religion Essay Many individuals today believe that Anglicanism began with Henry VIII for his simple wish of divorcing his wife in hopes to produce a male heir. Certainly it was established in the era of King Henry VIII and Elizabeth I, however there were many other influences that contributed to the creation of the Church of England. These influences date back to the early years of Christianity in the British Isles. After doing much analysis on this history, it is safe to say that King Henry was not the only creator of Anglicanism; he was only a contributor to its formation and the final step to its beginning. It is said that among the soldiers living in Britain, some were of Christian faith. St. Alban, the first English martyr, was killed in 209 CE and therefore the Christianity was certainly present by 200 CE. In 400, when the Romans left Britain and many invaders arrived, in the West and North the Celtic people maintained their faith and culture. A type of Christianity grew among these individuals which still influences our spirituality to this date. Celtic Christianity dated between 400 1000 CE. These stories and legends of the Celtic church are told by Saints such as: St. Ninian, St. Calumba and St. Brigit.Governed by chiefs or kings, Celtic society was organized on tribal lines. The Celtic church was controlled around monasteries ruled by abbots who ordained as priests celebrated the sacraments in the monasteries. The land for the monastery was often provided by the tribe or family unit. By 431, Ireland had received its first bishop. The government of the Irish church was controlled by the abbots however by the 1800s .The abbeys promoted learning, taught the children, and fabricated spectacular religious art in the manuscripts, metalwork and stone carvings. The Anglican spirituality had a lot of influence from the Celtic spirituality. There was a very strong sense of the presence of God in everyday life of the Celtic Christians. In all of their daily activities, God is found. There are a vast amount of prayers from the Celtics that have these examples. There is an example in the book A World Made Whole (Fount, 1991): I will kindle my fire this morning, In the presence of the holy angels of heaven. This quote from the prayer shows that God is in their everyday lives, God is not forgotten. The goodness of nature and of human nature are a part of true Celtic beliefs. It sees human as being full of potential and made in Gods image. Jesus came to free our world from its evil forces. This is an optimistic view fits well with the Anglican understanding of creation, i ncarnation, and redemption. Celtic Christianity has a strong sense of the unity. It insists that we are encircled on our pilgrimage by faithfully Christian individuals of an earlier era. God, the Trinity, the saints of old-all are near us and are always accessible to us in our prayers. Celtic Christianity is full of stories, images, art and music. With the arrival of St. Augustine at Canterbury in 597, Roman Christianity returned to Britain. This tradition and form of government spread throughout England steadily. Although Celtic Christianity was slowly concealed by Roman practice, many customs and traditions were kept. It was an era of change and turmoil in the church during the 1500-1600s in Europe. There was dissatisfaction with papal government and abuses of church traditions. Furthermore the availability of new translations of Scripture from Latin into other languages fashioned a craving to look over the ancestry of the Christian faith and a desire to return to the basics of Christian ideas. In Europe individual figures like Ulrich Zwingli, John Calvin and Martin Luther encouraged doctrinal and organizational reform. England knew of the effort of these reformers and had the Scriptures in English. However, the church was not extremely affected by them. In reality Henry VIII received from the Pope in 1521 the title Defender of the Faith for his paper criticizing Martin Luther. However, the King was going through some political difficulties. His marriage of almost 20 years to Catherine of Aragon had produced only one living child, their daughter Mary. Henry became increasingly worried because he n eeded a male heir for the throne. Henry decided to divorce his wife and that he was going to marry Anne Boleyn. Securing an annulment and obtaining a papal dispensation to remarry was not an impossible request, however it made Henry anxious. But European politics launched a problematic factor; Catherines nephew was the Emperor Charles V. The Pope was being threatened by the Emperor and so could not grant Henrys request. Henry decided then to remove the church in England from the control of foreign powers. Acts of Parliament were passed, Henrys marriage was declared invalid, and he married Anne Boleyn. The Pope rapidly removed Henry. To gain [a son], he separated the Church of England from the Roman Catholic Church and so established the Protestant Reformation in England . Henry took rising control of the church, suspending the monasteries and moving their riches to the crown and declared himself the head of the church in England. Henry ordered the English Bible located in all church es but stayed very conservative in matters of spiritual traditions. Henry was succeeded in 1547 by his son Edward VI. Edward had been well-informed by teachers with Protestant understanding. Throughout his reign the church was progressively more influenced by Lutheran and Calvinist tradition. In 1549, the first Book of Common Prayer, drawn up by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Thomas Cranmer, was certified. The Act of Uniformity made its use obligatory in all churches in England. This book has become the normative statement of Anglican theology and practice. The book was a compromise between traditionalists and reformers. In 1552, a second Book of Common Prayer was issued. It followed more Protestant ideologies. During the reign of Edward VI, many Articles were published to identify the position of the Church of England on a vast amount of issues. This was an attempt to define a connection between the Old Catholic ways and the new Calvinist reforms. The 42 Articles were proposed in 15 52 and these were not accepted. However in 1559, during the reign of Elizabeth, the Thirty-nine Articles were accepted as a balanced statement of the Anglican position on certain uncertain issues. Edward was then succeeded by his half-sister Mary. As the daughter of Catherine of Aragon, Mary wanted to return England to the worship of the Roman Catholic Church. During Marys reign, many reformers were executed however on her death, her half-sister Elizabeth became Queen. She wished to restore stability to the country, while at the same time preserving England from foreign domination. The church then should retain its heritage but remain free of the rule of the Pope. The form of liturgy, the three-fold order of bishops, priest and deacons, the sacraments were all retained. But the differences were that services were in English, the reading of Scripture was encouraged, and clergy could marry. The third Book of Common Prayer was issued in 1559. The aim of the Elizabethan church was to br ing stability to both church and state. The Church of England held together in one family a variety of views by avoiding narrow definitions. Richard Hooker, 1554-1600, was the apologist for the emerging Anglican position. The Anglican approach to theology, the balance of Scripture, tradition and reason was defined by his Treatise on the Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity. He saw the church as changing and adapting. The church structures its existence by looking at scripture and tradition in the light of reason and experience. Renewal and progress in the 18th century placed a new tension on personal conversion, salvation by faith in Christs agreed death, the sole power of Scripture, and the significance of the lecture of the Word. Influenced by evangelical clergy, the missionary movement brought the gospel to all parts of the world. At home in England, evangelicals played a major role in the abolition of slavery and the reform of social conditions. In the 19th century, the Anglo-Catholic restoration brought a new emphasis to the liturgical and sacramental life of the church. The Oxford Movement aimed at restoring high church ideals to the Church of England. In this movement we have the Low Church that of being the Anglican Church of Ireland and High Anglican Church that being the Church of England. This group of reformers was sometimes called Tractarianists because of the series of writings, Tracts for the Times, in which they set out their views. The movement emphasized the catholic and apostolic nature o f the church, looking back to its historic roots. It placed new importance on the liturgical and sacramental life of the church; the introduction of vestments, candles, ceremonial and ritual followed soon after. Anglo-Catholics were involved in ministry to the slums of large English cities, and in missionary work around the world. During this period, religious orders of monks and nuns were re-established, and this continues in the Anglican Church to this day. In conclusion, after much research it is understood that The Anglican Church was created by many contributions and ideas that dated back to the early years of Christianity in the British Isles. King Henry VIII was the final contribution to its foundation, but would not be here if it were not for the Celtic Spirituality. However to this day there are issues with the Anglican Church. The Anglican Church though would have liked to settle once it left the Roman umbrella will not be in a settle state. It seems as if equilibrium cannot be maintained and there is still controversy to this day with this religion that was created many years ago.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Saint Sernin Of Toulouse And Notre Dame Of Paris Essay -- Architecture

Saint Sernin of Toulouse and Notre Dame of Paris   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When one thinks of St. Sernin and Notre Dame, one tends to think of two beautiful cathedrals, not to churches that portray two totally different styles of architecture. Those two styles are, of course, Romanesque in St. Sernin and the Gothic style of Notre Dame. Some characteristics that these two buildings share include quest for height, basic floor plan, and artistic flair. The period of Romanesque architecture, which lasted roughly from 1050 A.D. to 1150 A.D., concentrated mainly on achieving massive proportions, rounded vaulted bays, the round arch, the wall buttress, cylindrical apse and chapels, and towers. Early Gothic architecture, which began in 1144 with the dedication of Saint Denis, concentrated more on mastering the idea of an obscenely high ceiling, as well as ribbed and pointed vaults, the relationship between the structure and its appearance, and perhaps, most importantly the use of light.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  One of the most enjoyable things about comparing the two structures of St. Sernin and Notre Dame is that there are so many differences as far as the particulars go, but in general the two cathedrals are very, very much alike. Through the years, enough architectural and engineering advances had been made to raise the ceiling to staggering new heights of over one hundred feet. The materials remained the same as they had for years before, stone and mortar. The basic floor plan remained the same,... Saint Sernin Of Toulouse And Notre Dame Of Paris Essay -- Architecture Saint Sernin of Toulouse and Notre Dame of Paris   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When one thinks of St. Sernin and Notre Dame, one tends to think of two beautiful cathedrals, not to churches that portray two totally different styles of architecture. Those two styles are, of course, Romanesque in St. Sernin and the Gothic style of Notre Dame. Some characteristics that these two buildings share include quest for height, basic floor plan, and artistic flair. The period of Romanesque architecture, which lasted roughly from 1050 A.D. to 1150 A.D., concentrated mainly on achieving massive proportions, rounded vaulted bays, the round arch, the wall buttress, cylindrical apse and chapels, and towers. Early Gothic architecture, which began in 1144 with the dedication of Saint Denis, concentrated more on mastering the idea of an obscenely high ceiling, as well as ribbed and pointed vaults, the relationship between the structure and its appearance, and perhaps, most importantly the use of light.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  One of the most enjoyable things about comparing the two structures of St. Sernin and Notre Dame is that there are so many differences as far as the particulars go, but in general the two cathedrals are very, very much alike. Through the years, enough architectural and engineering advances had been made to raise the ceiling to staggering new heights of over one hundred feet. The materials remained the same as they had for years before, stone and mortar. The basic floor plan remained the same,...

Friday, October 11, 2019

Man is like a fraction

Man Is like a fraction whose numerator Is what he Is and whose denominator is what he thinks. The greater the denominator, the lesser the fraction. † -Lev Tolstoy We should take note that in a fraction, as the denominator becomes larger, the value of the traction becomes lesser. Man is also like a traction as what Lev Tolstoy said in his quotation. Life Is full of choices, full of situations. Where sometimes all our way to run away is by pretending, Pretending is one way of escaping. In my life, I have met people who are pretentious. I don't understand why they are like that.Why o people appear to be something theyre not? Does it make them feel better about themselves or does It make them have something to hide behind? People feel that if they can lead a life that isnt their own and be pulled along by someone else they may be able to achieve better things. Therefore, hiding behind masks makes people lives a lot easier, they don't have to face up to doing something wrong. The ap pearance of being greater than you are has led to many unfortunate happening in the world around us. Nevertheless it shows us how appearing to be something you're not, can become your reality and even the world's reality.We need to be less influenced by the world around us. Reality is hard to find as people are working their way around It, forcing themselves to appear to be something they're not. If we feel that we can get ahead by doing this then we should realize that we will only get hurt. Let us not be a person who sees himself larger than who he really is. Iva Rhiana C. Santiago LG 4218 APOLLONIUS OF PERGA As what I have researched, Apollonius ot Perga was a Greek geometer and astronomer noted for his writings in the conic section. It was him who gave the ellipse. the parabola, and the hyperbola the names by which we know them.And these things are our lessons this term. The work of Apollonius of Perga has had such a great impact on the development of mathematics, that he is kno wn as â€Å"The Great Geometer†. In fact, in his book Conics he Introduces terms, such as parabola, ellipse, and hyperbola that are still used today. Apollonius also was an important person in founding Greek mathematical astronomy. He used geometrical models to explain planetary theory. He made a lot of contributions In his times that until now we are benefiting from them. We are still learning from them. He did his work very well.He was able to help many people nowadays even f he existed a long, long time ago. His contributions to mathematics helped many people to become very good like him. Mathematician like ‘Of2 Apolllonlus 0T Perga makes numerous contrl learn and it helped me a lot. Iva Rhiana C. Santiago 4218 The Importance Of Saving outlons. HIS conlcs Tor me were easy to For me, teenagers or children nowadays should learn how to save money since young. Saving money helps to lessen the heavy responsibility of our parents as what I have observed. We can also buy th eir own items without asking money from our parents.Saving money also helps us to be more independent. Although I did not complete the required number of weeks I have to deposit, I think I was only able to deposit four times out of eight weeks, I am lucky to learn a lesson from this. I can benefit from saving money at young age. I realized that after high school, college is expensive and then â€Å"real† life begins, with expenses such as food and rent. If I can hold onto a good portion of the money I earned as a teen, going to college and buying a house will be much easier. The earlier I will begin saving, the more time the money has to grow.